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Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg (FVA-BW)

TheForest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg (FVA-BW) is located in Freiburg i. Br., Germany. It is responsible for the forest and all kinds of forestry as a state research institution. Besides research, monitoring, and education, the FVA additionally advises politics, administration, and companies relating to topics of forest research. The transformation of knowledge between research and practical experience is one of the main goals of the institute. Therefore, ecological as well as economical questions will be answered.

As a part of the department of Biometry and Computer Science the Remote Sensing section develops methodologies for large-scale monitoring of forest structures and forest damage. In addition, small-scale areas will be intensely monitored for research tasks. Furthermore, the section advises other departments in remote sensing issues. To resolve these tasks, data based on satellites, airborne images as well as data from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is used. Additionally, an intense exchange takes place with other institutions that focus on forestry remote sensing topics. The Remote Sensing section of the FVA is a member of the “Arbeitsgruppe Forstliche Fernerkundung der Länder“ (AFFEL) and the “Arbeitsgruppe Forstlicher Luftbildinterpreten“ (AFL).

Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg
Department of Biometry and Computer Science

Wonnhaldestr. 4
79100 Freiburg i. Br., Deutschland


Dr. Petra Adler
Phone: +49 (0) 761/4018-207
Work Task: • Project lead at FVA

Andreas Uhl
Phone: +49 (0) 761/4018-252
Work Task: • Preparation and collection of reference data (AP3) • Implementation of the results into the IT infrastructure of the FVA-BW (AP6) • Validation of the results (AP7) • Presentation of results (AP11)

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