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Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) is concerned with the use, development and protection of natural and urban spaces. The research focus is on solving problems to do with the responsible use of landscapes and forests and a prudent approach to natural hazards, especially those common in mountainous countries. WSL occupies a leading position internationally in these research areas and also provides groundwork for sustainable environmental policies in Switzerland.

The WSL remote sensing group develops and applies comprehensive and robust methods to extract and classify natural objects from continuous and discrete raster datasets. Relevant features are acquired to describe changes in landscape and land resources at different levels using image data. Mathematical-statistical methods are adopted for automatic detection and description of image objects. Thus, the group contributes concepts, methods and data to describe/detect area wide changes and processes in the resources of landscape.

Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf Schweiz


Christian Ginzler
Phone: +41 44 739 25 51
Work Task: • Project coordination at WSL (WP 5)

Lars Waser
Phone: +41 44 739 22 92
Work Task: • Remote sensing of disturbances (WP 5)

Marius Rüetschi
Work Task: • SAR data analysis (WP5)

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